An Alchemical Invisible College

We have created a network of guilds, websites, entities, etc. to recruit and find those elite in passion, intelligence, drive and discipline to undertake the supreme quest and purpose of life, the Magnum Opus. We have collected such partners for decades, those that maintain the Path and pursue the alchemical secrets without excuse or deviation. We have sought teachers, infiltrated groups and monasteries, undertook arduous journeys, training in languages, and all the related disciplines needed to unlock manuscripts, symbols. We raise funds to find the rarest texts, to source the authentic elixir ingredients, the skillful means of Masters. We have encountered other similar groups with a purpose and have sought to connect and create sacred links with their Filiations and occult societies.

It is a true Invisible College of Alchemical, Hermetic and Ancestral studies that we have created out of the sheer yearning and desire. We have only begun to do the proper work of presenting the distillation of such efforts to those seeking the Way in this collapsing world age. We deeply thank all those who have supported us thus far. We hope to continue to attract those interested in the sincere, anonymous, and heuristic pursuit of their alchemical methods balanced with a discreet society of fellow researchers.

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