Occult Wars: Hyperborean Razor

Note: Again, we have no affiliation with others that use or (more often) misuse the Hyperborean terms in their distorted and mundane worldviews. We are often contacted by others thinking we have affiliation with some degenerate groups that cry and play the victim with the same rotten nature as those they claim to hate just because they have appropriated this term with no grasp of its essence and true history and the implications it has on one’s thought, word, and action. Such contacts are so tiresome and boring, and we have an alchemical mission and specific research topics that these hylics, these icchantika and Mleccha will never fathom. The same scorn is felt for those concerned with externals and who will be distracted up until the point that it is too late. We only care of a truly spiritual superiority, and the true human being, there is only the real and the fake. The traitors and accomplices are such that any consideration is meaningless in the final conflict.

It is ironic that most obsessed with such topics have no children and no intentions to as well and secretly partake of the Enemy’s most degenerate distractions while claiming to be Hyperborean or Asatru or whatever. They are the same spirit as the ghetto thugs, the keyboard and social justice warriors who indulge in masturbatory wastes of the true exoteric and esoteric goals we define. Do not bother to contact us if you have not read our worldview. We are absolutely indifferent to any further members but seek allies of a certain type and spirit, and their correspondences are met with a polite and generous spirit. The rest can find their way to the Tarpeian Rock.

We face a destruction so entire and complete that even the most essential aspects of humanity are a luxury. It is beyond the ability of most to apprehend, so they cling to a comfortable outrage and misery as the clenching grasp to escape the dreadful true reckoning of the crisis of the situation. It is time for a true sense of urgency, of priorities, of triage in addressing the wounds that render one vulnerable and under the sorcery that distracts and dissipates all energy.

Those who talk too much about race no longer have it in them.” — Oswald Spengler

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director

Hanlon’s razor is a saying that reads: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

It is good to give individuals who let one down the benefit of the doubt as an act of compassion and empathy in their faults, flaws, and inconsistent attributes that never allow for complete trust or intimacy, etc. But this does not hold true in the ‘clown world’ model that many have used to describe our current descent into madness. But it is an occult war tactic of extreme malice and malevolence and there is nothing ‘stupid’ about such actions. For instance, many still trapped within the paradigm of thinking there are political parties, or that a certain political figure is just incompetent, has bad policies, or is merely stupid, believes on some level that these figures are acting in good faith or good intentions but they are just ignorant or a failure. Such a worldview is not only immature and shallow, it is dangerous and a snare of one’s energy and attention.

A vulgar, crass reality-television star, or senile, incoherent bumbling fool are all part of a state sorcery that strains credulity, that forces one to accept absurdities and insults to reason and intelligence. Both oversaw the ‘lockdown’ and mass injection experiment and economic warfare, and are sure to pay homage to the cult in Davos. Every scandal, every conflict is the theatre of surrealism to redefine what is normal, what is to be expected. It is to impose on the conscious mind a supreme magical technique: that of an impending inevitability as a tactic to conjure a future outcome by dominating the will of the victim into thinking something is a foregone conclusion or unavoidable.

By such techniques they ‘force consent’ in the doubletalk needed to express the intentional paradoxes of language and thought that is seeded into every aspect of existence. Thus there are several worlds one has to decompartmentalize, to bipolarize within to function.

There is reality and a virtual world that monitors and tracks, that knows every website, medicine, finance, communication, purchase, perhaps sexual proclivities, interests, entertainment habits, etc. But the cognizant must self-censor from this, must twist and dogwhistle or else risk depersoning. Then there is another ‘mainstream media’ reality merged with the political and corporate reality which is in lockstep coordination and cohesion of the Agenda. All are driving the Agenda-like tendrils or tentacles of one central beast. To try and acclimate to the mutating debasement of normalcy is to internalize a type of schizophrenia, where every contact point with this beast system is a weaponed intrusion into even being to contextualize a consensus of reality to pretend to agree or believe in.

We can waste time and distraction trying to name the diagnosis, but everyone knows the central Cult that cannot be named, the hydra parasite infection. It can be called so many names, it is a waste of time like in describing the symptoms of the ‘mysterious syndrome’ that wastes the vitality of so many we encounter as herbalists. What matters is core healing, not incessant diagnosis of symptoms, but how to survive, thrive, how to endure, what greater purpose one does with their remaining health and life. Thus most solutions are superficial or of a perpetual distraction to penetrate to true priorities in the limited time we have. What will it take to break the spell that distracts so many? Nothing, they are the incarnated mechanism of this metastasizing assimilation into the deepest confines of the Trap.

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Yet so many contact us with examples of the carnival of the “media,” which is like subjecting oneself to interpreting reality through a collaboration of the intimates and controllers of an asylum. It is like allowing one to be in the most vulnerable, suggestive state and turning the subconscious over to pure cultic psychopaths who explicitly advocate and openly plot and tell you what they intend to do. It is not a conspiracy, and ‘none dare call it treason…” We are beyond the event horizon and threshold point of such conjecture, of such debate, in trying to prove it or awaken those who slumber or fret about while the attack unfolds with relentless precision. It is either ignorance, hubris, or supreme cowardice that makes them revert to a baseline programming of blame and victim narratives that stunt any true strategies to become empowered and positioned to be best insulated from the worst attacks. The true target is, as always, the children, the next generations who will be forced to grow up in a reality so different it is as if the old timeline ended and the world ended. The assaults are like the scorched earth scrubbing of the human spirit of all past context to accept a synthetic, artificial mutated existence instead of the organic, spiritual transmutation which is the true Great Work and Human imperative.

Other assaults have many purposes, such as the culture wars of gender. There are legitimate issues of psycho-spiritual health of this topic beyond this essay, many shamanic in nature and historical in context. But the forcing of it on mainstream levels, is a softening for such language as transhuman. Just as the language of a chip in the credit card is to acclimate to having a chip within the body for tracking and to be part of the block chain. But a core aspect is to force one to publicly acknowledge and believe patent falsehoods, to tolerate insanity and subversion of reality of biology. It is calculated to boil to such levels of pure ridiculous and outright insanity that the future seems so bleak and horrible that one feels there is no choice but to give in, like the predatory tactics of a sex predator grooming a victim whose mind is not fully formed to defend and be discerning in such matters. It is ritual trauma and demoralization, the feeling of the perfect storm that is used to reify the outcome of priming the conditions for it to occur.

Bezmenov ideological subversion:
“What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

It is part of the ‘desensitization phase’ and bleeds (literally) into the crisis phase of this complete assault on a nation’s values, worldview, traditions, culture, society, ethics, morals, economics etc.

Or the famous quote of Alexander Solzhenitsyn:
“we know they are lying. they know they are lying. they know that we know they are lying. we know that they know that we know they are lying. and still they continue to lie.”

It is a naivety encountered in so many, that things will return to ‘normal’ and that this is not the final phase of an ancient war and process. Such a New Age optimism, fed by Hollywood dreams of fantasy, surrender of power and concern to comfort and apathy, or a numbness that is a coping mechanism. Many are so invested in this construct that they have to cheer and ‘double down’ on their worldview, in the paradoxes of surrendering trust to known liars and betrayal of every shred of trust and good will. It is like believing someone is good natured or simply mistaken when they make errors in finances but the discrepancy always seems to be the most favorable to them in the final outcome.

Some pop-occultist degenerate used the original old spelling of ‘magic’ from magick to differentiate the kabbalistic goetic attempts to be possessed of rabbinical demons as high magic as compared to ‘parlor tricks’ of sleight of hand. But this is the nature of the propaganda, ritual programming and social engineering in the focusing of attention and simple grifting techniques and psychic driving of common cults and charlatans applied to the masses. It is their spiritual technique to lure one into the dark abstractions of their demons and cultic entities, to obscure the true ancestral heritage. But if one cannot get past the crime and to the Great Work, then the Enemy has won, it has assimilated you into its failure, its rotting, its worldview.

In this Kali Yuga degenerate world age, we see many claiming to be wolves but they are just sheep. And those that seem to be weak, frail, and diseased parodies of humanity declaring their virtue and progressive actions are the true ‘wolves’ of the war of the Gods. Might is not right as the world is in the grip of physically decrepit, atrophied old cult members who yield power through secret societies, think tanks, round tables, foundations, institutes, intelligence agencies, and corporations through infiltration. They inflict a chaos that drains and destroys their enemy from economic attrition, social upheaval, to bioweapons; the work to achieve a unipolar world.

“The universal acceptance of the principles of democracy, decentralization, market economy, globalisation, denuclearization, demilitarization and development gave rise to ideological unipolarism in the world. It gave strength to the emergence of unipolarity in the international power structure.” It is a dystopian future that seeks to manage the consciousness of the human spirit by diverting all potential to a harvest of the very vital force of life itself. The trajectory of history is the priming and grooming of the human mind to surrender all true individuality, true freedom, true autonomy for the comforts and false luxuries, the superficial distractions that are just deeper estrangement from True Purpose.

“Unipolarity is a condition in which one state under the condition of international anarchy enjoys a preponderance of power and faces no competitor states.” This is the unleashed nihlism and controlled collapse of the West, the assisted suicide of the potential of generation after generation.

The beneficent guise or the ‘common good’ lie that exploits and manufactures crisis and chaos is the apex strategy in accelerating a new order or unipolar worldview, a virtually omniscient technocratic cult that aggregates power by an ‘elite’ that becomes a breakaway civilization and culture in terms of technology, power, resources. This is just the exoteric form of the deeper esoteric goal of the complete entrapment of the incarnated soul in the virtual reality/transhumanist future of faux-immortality. One will have to pick a side, make a decision and each one, each soul will bend the knee or understand there are fates worse than death. They will have the ultimatum of the culmination of the entire human experience within the microcosm of their personal choice.

The Cult always must hide its true Agenda in different ways, such as a notion of original sin of which it can offer the only salvation. The original sin in these times is to be born into a different type of guilt, one of immutable characteristics, of the charge of privilege because your ancestors fought, worked and sacrificed to endure sufferings for the sake of future generations. We in no way validate or tolerate these infections of true humanity, of empathy and true Dharma. The Human Essence, of True and Real Human Beings in the alchemical worldview has been achieved by all nations and peoples and the true sages are honored as those who warned us of this moment in time, the culmination of the ancient War of the Gods.

The Enemy’s only weakness is an absolute blinding hubris of transgressing the very laws of Nature, but their loss no way entails a victory as the devastation wrought is final and complete. There are no winners in such destruction. It is the type of malignant and mindless predation such as of a parasite that gorges and destroys both itself and its host. As the lore confirms, a remnant, a fragment, a core will remain and rebuild from the scorched ashes of the final combat. It is our goal to presence this perfection and process within as our personal Great Work and to aggregate the research that it might persist through the trials and fires that seeks to obliterate the Way. One must train to hold the true realization through the calamity, through the visions, through sleep, torment, through sickness and death and the abyss itself.

The Hyperborean Razor:
When dealing with an Enemy, never attribute to stupidity what is really malice. It is not beneficent but misguided policies that are ‘stupid’ or simply a failure, the failure is the objective. It is a liquidation, a harvesting, an intentional destruction of every defining point of the previous normal or culture. Incompetence or beneficence are the greatest ‘covers’ for truly dark agendas, and they combine to create a sense of outrage that creates a sense of ‘world gone mad’ tension can birth a true despair and hopelessness for generations of demoralization.

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