Germania (Tacitus)

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As a publishing house for our Research Society, we want to have beautifully illustrated, handmade editions of the volumes we often ponder or need to consult.

The Germania is such a text. It is one of those small volumes that is found in numerous editions on the bedside shelf, on the research desk, in the satchel of books in travels. It is because of the wealth of details presented in this text, although subject to the interpretatio romana (a phrase Tacitus coined), that one must return to again and again to consider in a new light. As there are deeper and more subtle layers of research, the clues within this text take on a more profound esoteric implication that is understood by most scholars and modern day followers of the ancient Traditions.

Those reading our various Hermetic and Indo-European alchemical texts will find vital esoteric correspondences of specific traditions that cannot be explained away. The divine attributes that link the Gods, the cult of Isis and other goddesses of worship, speak to secret, lingering traditions that proceed from a common source. We have discussed these in terms of the link of the Orphic, Scythian Mysteries which are clearly retained in Germanic lore. These Orphic Hymns mention Isis as well. The synthesis of Greco-Egyptian, Hyperborean and Germanic mythos within cults of certain tribes is a barely researched area of occult and alchemical lore.

This is a vital text for the researcher, and a fresh public domain translation with minimal editing. Your purchase allows us to grow our bookbindery, printing press, research library and other projects. We distill the research of a dedicated group to the essence and seek to present it to the reader as a cherished item of value. We thank all for your continued support.

Magus Publishing
52 pages, saddle stitched

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