The Hermetic Paideia

Within the Research Society we construct a Hermetic Paideia, Temple of Mercury and Filiation Trismegisti. This is for students and disciples to gather to research the Pure Hermetica, purged of New Age, kabbalistic, masonic, pop-occult, and other such spiritual viruses and contagions. This itself is the Great Work of this World Age, the purification of the Way of Hermes from the inversions and corruptions. It is the method of the soul’s ascent to the Company of the Blessed, the Way of Immortality, the most concise and articulate skillful method for egress from the endless cycles of misery. It is the initiatory method of Memory, the pith instructions to the Goal of the Wise that is scattered in the authentic Corpus Hermeticum. Join for access to handbound copies of rare, esoteric texts.

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