The Cult

The Viking was the last major attempt to resist the Abrahamic forces that strangled the spirit of Europe. Here a warrior is depicted destroying the pillars of Masonry, those of Solomon’s Temple, and serving justice to the traitors of Life, the secular progressive humanist lie of benevolence that is a parasite to Western Culture.
The Cult, Anti- and Counter-Traditions, and Deep Fake Reality
It is said that culture is downstream from politics, but both politics and culture are formed from the dark source waters of the Occult Wars. What we discuss is worse than a conspiracy, although it, of course, involves what would be considered as such in terms of a legal definition involving criminality. It is an agenda in such cohesion, such forced messaging and physic driving and propaganda that any reasonable objective view would identify it as a conspiring by powerful, wealthy elite. It is a crime against humanity, against Nature, and an intentional violation of Innocence and Life by a true Enemy. This Enemy detests virtue, joy, all that is organic, beautiful and Good. This is beyond conspiracy because it is of a Possession and indoctrination so complete, so total, and so fully realized that the need for the Enemy to remain secret is negated. Thus, they say their intentions out loud, their Agenda is inserted into every aspect of reality from school curriculum and policy to medicine and food, to media and entertainment, and advertising. It is a complete weaponization of reality in sewing chaos and death, of violations and inversions of what all people of Noble birth consider Good, wholesome, and True.
Some can point to certain parts of the mythos, such as bridal gown worn by Thor, occasioned by the loss of his hammer. Another instance has Hermes sell Herakles as a slave to Omphale. Hercules was dressed as a woman and spent his time at female tasks such as spinning and carding wool, and was also Omphale’s lover. These temporary inversions represent male initiations into Goddess Mysteries and learning the divine feminine. They are ordeals or tests, or ritual inversions, such as slaves and masters reversing roles temporarily, and sacred retreats into the opposite or Other. But they are certainly not a permanent lifestyle nor some absurd justification for modern perversions or interpretations of gender spectrums or non-binary subversion of traditional gender roles. This is an ancient spiritual infection of a deep hatred of motherhood, of a spiritual misogyny that is rooted in degenerate cults that are the antithesis of the Way of the Gods.
If anything, they emphasize them by establishing a ritual reversal, a punishment or loss being the instance that sets these events into motion and as a retribution. But one is given an insight into the totality of the human experience; the strongest males thus temporarily are subservient to female power, and they emerge stronger, thus initiated into female mysteries. Modern occultists remove the female from the highest degrees of their stolen or appropriated occult orders, such as the O.T.O., and are a complete perversion and reverse alchemy. It is this type of worldview that has given arise to the failure of these intellectual giants to now suddenly be able to define a woman or to protect their identity and space. This is an attack on women, motherhood, masculinity and fatherhood, of birth, of the ensoulment of True Human Beings, and the essence and most significant target in the occult wars.
It is distressing that so many embrace the programming from known enemies of humanity, as if these agendas and programs that come out in lockstep cohesion are not orchestrated in Think Tanks and run in simulations and scenarios of outcomes. That so many believe that the confluence of politics, corporations, and media in pushing these messages so overtly, even to the cost of their profit, that this is beyond marketing, beyond ESG scores, but of a religious zeal. The cult has its unforgivable sins of spiritual debt (race, privilege, etc.), its excommunication (cancel culture/deplatforming/social credit), an apocalyptic element of impending world destruction (climate change), and enemies (anyone who disagrees with the theological dogma of the cult). It also has a promise of a paradise, of to ‘own nothing, and be happy’ (meaning no personal property, privacy, right to self-defense, right to children, to the DNA level, literally owning nothing) and a virtual world of games and drugs which can be cut off or denied as punishment. In a post-profit world, where corporations no longer need to seek profit as main objectives, they have shifted to transform society and the world into the post-human. Through manufactured consensus, psychic driving and the snares that titillate repressed drives that mutate into predictable deviances the masses are ushered into their very soul’s prison.
We value individual freedom and respect the rights of individuals to conduct their adult behaviors as they see fit. We also honor the role of transgressive behavior in spiritual systems and as part of Tradition and must differentiate these from the profane moral relativism of modernism and especially that of the Cult. We do object to orchestrated social engineering, psychic driving and grooming/indoctrination of a specific cult that values the actual or symbolic castration of masculinity usurping and inverting what is feminine, and especially the attempts to convert and influence children. We have compassion for those suffering from sexual dysphoria and for all of us who have been forced to be awash in the saturation of toxins and endocrine disrupters that are yet another cause and assault on reproduction and health. From an esoteric perspective, we deeply honor the Sapphic magic and poetry of women, and believe their power is supreme in the occult arts. The orgiastic mysteries at the core of Tradition should demonstrate we do not approach these topics from a puritanical position but of an assessment of what is beautiful, healthy, and good as understood by our Ancestors. But it is equally abhorrent that what it means to be a woman or man is reduced to a feeling, to parody and caricature, and not the subtle process of development within a biological framework of a specific mode of being consciousness as archetype forces of the Gods.
This Enemy, this Cult, has incredible power, of an exoteric and esoteric kind and could overtly and completely target and kill its specific targets. But the Enemy wants suffering, pain, chaos, and to turn everything into it’s image, it wants us to be like them, to sink into the subhumanity of this parasitic force incessantly attacks Life. Spengler said Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism, but this is a superficial insight. The Cult has a common origin, and each successive phase, from Judaism, Christianity, to humanism, Masonic Enlightenment, socialism, Marxism, are all grooming phases in the collective push, the trajectory of this coming nightmare vision of the Cabal. The earlier phases of this process, such as of Christianity (especially as it became a vehicle for initiation in certain areas through crypto-Hermeticism) are demonized just as feminists as (TERFS) have worn out their usefulness to the Agenda. None are radical enough, extreme enough, as this destruction seeks to permeate every aspect of Reality and even the revolutionaries and rebels of yesterday are the new enemies today to the Enemy in this “war of all against all.” An example is high profile scientists, either agents or afraid of the Cult, who refuse to even attempt to define what is a ‘woman’ but will also unflinchingly call a man who feels like a woman a female. It is the height of absurdity, and designed to be so, such that one must become schizophrenic in acquiescing and compromising to absurdity, lies, inversions of truth, and remaining silent in an internal conviction based on facts and science.
It is nearly impossible to discuss certain topics openly, a fact that simply proves the Occult Wars waged against Life. Every criminal has a profile, a basic modus operandi, a signature, imprint of their identity. Here we are talking about a Cult that is the absolute Enemy of Organic Life. We will discuss these constant themes below in terms of alchemical rebellions, wars and strategic methods in this ancient struggle. But first, we preface the following by saying we shall only allude to certain topics that are forbidden. But let us be clear, even without the Cultic aspect of this Enemy, it is clear that what many call the “Elite” have a vested in interest in the mass destruction of the organic Human Psyche, of the mind and spirit, of the health, of the earth, water, air itself. It is always a weakening, spiritual infection that is pushed, one that disempowers and estranges one from all that gives strength and health. We are seeing the dark Pharmakon of drugs and technology to conjure and invoke all deviance, latency and induce psychosis and chaos in a weaponized reverse alchemy on the entire world.
Every health fad, nearly every technology, every institution, all the collaborative pushing of these social agendas are calculated to destroy every unit of vitality insulation and power between the individual and the complete dystopian nightmare of this Cult’s Agenda. The promotion of degenerate lifestyles is to break with Nature and Organic life. This is a strategy to consolidate power and authority with the lures of a promise of freedom to act outside of what is Beautiful and Noble, or the Good. The cult always recruits a certain personality type to be the vehicle of the dissemination, and it is an infectious social contagion that exploits histrionic personalities as the viral carriers. When this pathogen of the mind reaches a critical mass, or engages in other stressors of society (homelessness, weaponized immigration, biowarfare, lockdowns, wars) then the core of society and civilization collapses into the controlled chaos from which the new Cult Order arises. (“Ordo Ab Chao” is the motto of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, who have pushed these neo-liberal, secular anti and counter-Traditional assaults into the world in creating the Third Temple or the world as Masonic Temple).
A constant theme in the lore is of a false royalty that infiltrated and overtook the true noble bloodlines. These are pretenders to the throne, illegitimate, installed through mechanizations and schemes and not through the true nobility of honor and deeds that distinguished the best of the ancestors from the common, ordinary and the masses. This extends into liberal democracy which creates a maximum chaos fueled by the degeneracy of the masses, that empowers the worst, the most pernicious, rotten and parasitic. It creates systems that erase the natural order of the ability to defend and protect ‘reality’ from such insidious, toxic enemies of life. Under the tyranny of tolerance and lies of equity, infections and sickness breed, proliferating the psychospiritual viruses that harvest the essence of life.
There is the muliebral nature of the Soul, of the spirit but with different affinities and correspondences. There is, indeed, a spectrum of influences that inform and manifest in various ways in the expression of these subtle aspects into the characteristics of the human. The ancients understood that there was the seed and womb in the creation and procreation, male and female. The female domain of magic, in nurturing and birthing something potential (a seed) into life was unique. This receptivity translates into magical powers, of a vessel of source and potential, of partaking of the original essence. This makes the female superior in magic, divination and empowered in all esoteric arts. Contrary to one being in dominance, the Golden Age was of a perfect balance within and without, exoteric and esoteric, of this solar and lunar, male and female, gold and silver duality. This is the wholeness of a worldview, and this integration is the Great Work to integrate and reconcile these as well as with generation life in the Alchemical Wedding.
The constructs of what is masculine and feminine are cultural, although violence and hunting, construction and heavy labor is always the domain of men. But a samurai might meditate in the most exquisite gardens, his soul only soothed by the most delicate flower arrangements and poetry whereas certain other cultures consider this feminine. Other cultures the men dominate the weaving, and in many ancient cultures woman were feared warriors and hunters as well. Thus, many who don externals (behavior or cosmetics for example) to emulate what is feminine end up in levels of parody and caricature. The ancients understood there is an innate gender even in objects, even in language in many cases, and that there is a duality at the core that has exchanges and blends and blurs as some points. There are generally a small minority who are like a soul between two forms, although this is rare in biology as a true hermaphrodite.
But there is a type of shamanic condition, one present in many, that feels beyond the body and with no Master Narrative of initiation, with no context of Nature and Tradition, this becomes confusion. It is amplified from toxic chemicals, hormone disrupting toxins, social conditioning, psychic driving, urban degeneracy and validated by education, media and infiltrated institutions. The cohesion and lockstep pushing of the Agenda should be enough to awaken to any but the most naïve that there is a nefarious objective that weakens the individual, the family, and society. This is part of the signature of the Enemy, of death, mutilation, of artificial realities, of invasive surgeries and chemicals. Life awash in plastic, pharmaceuticals, diets that produce estrogen etc. are all of a specific effect of feminization, emasculation, and disruption of the biology of both sexes. The most cynical can say it is creating a lifetime customer in targeting a child for a lifetime of procedures and constant injections in a type of dependency only otherwise seen in the most disabled and diseased. Yet it can also be interpreted as some grooming and programming for transhumanism, in framing ‘normal’ or ‘cis’ gendered as less interesting or special than those chemically and surgically augmented.
This is to set a tone for those who will be seeking to link their brain with computers and every futurist dream such as gene editing, designer babies and the merging into a complete artificial reality. Any dissent will be searched for by Artificial Intelligences and social crediting in acts and bills suggested in legislation like The Digital Platform Commission Act of 2023 where one will be de-personed, fined, denied rights and services, travel, commerce and imprisonment. Every lure and bait of the enemy for freedom, diversity, inclusion and equality is a deeper snare and trap to the human soul. The goal is to erase and destroy every aspect of the Tradition and the Old Ways such as that not even a Memory remains. Any fragments that remain are weaponized to exploit what remains of human nature and as honeypots for the naïve.
The drive to the artificial, of accepting inversions, distortions, corruptions, of forced lockdowns, forced acceptance of outright lies, forced medications/injections, track and trace, are all the methods of reification of this nightmare of this cult. It is of an artificial reality, against Nature, and such grooming will entail the rise of superstar entertainers that are complete fabrications of Artificial Intelligence as part of the strategy to erase humanity. This is why the assault on gender, on the roles of women and men in Tradition must be attacked as removing every insulation and notion of autonomy, self-reliance as one is brought to compliance through a war of attrition and economic/culture destruction. The other targets are, of course, children but also one’s health in all aspects. It is to induce a sense of chaos and madness, of nihilism and rapid changes, forced social programs combined with trauma to induce a shock in the tactics of MKULTRA applied to reality and the world.
Deviant cults have always sought to corrupt, invert, and pervert these central alchemical doctrines. Like the anti-Grail Klingsor, their inabilities and weakness pervert them into hatred and extremes. They celebrate assaults on Nature, mutilation, extremes of torture, sacrifice, pain and trauma, damaging asceticism or ritual pain. They do these because they do not have the Grail, the soma, the amrita, nor do they have the nobility to discover it, or the qualities able to do the Great Work. So, they become bitter, warped, deviant and more and more estranged from the Good and Noble. They become conduits for the parasites, sycophants for the diseased and invisible cabals and dark alien entities that are the Enemies of the Gods. It is understood that the loss of virility, the wound in the thigh, the crippling affliction that perverts the anti-Grail knights as well, and creates the Wasteland. It is only the recovery of the True Grail and Lance, to create the ambrosia and elixir, consecrated in Love that revives and revivifies the land and heals the wounded King.
The Essence of the Grail lore is of a Hyperborean Legacy with the thin veneer of Christianity to escape death by the Inquisition. In Wagner’s version, it is an evil magician, Klingsor has sworn to destroy the Knights of the Grail, who have rejected him. He wanted to join them, but knowing that his sinful and lustful way of life would exclude him, he castrated himself all to no avail. He lives in his castle on the opposite side of the mountain at Monsalvat where the Knights dwell and there he has devised a magic garden peopled by Flower Maidens whom he has trained by his magic powers to seduce the Knights of the Grail. The most important Knight, Amfortas, came to Klingsor’s castle intending to destroy him, armed with the Holy Spear. Here Klingsor (poising a lance) : Halt there! Ill ban thee with befitting gear: The Fool shall perish by his Masters spear! He flings the spear at Parsifal, but an invisible force stops it and it remains floating over his head. Parsifal grasps it with his hand and brandishes it with a gesture of exalted rapture seizes and throws it back.
The oldest lore is of an integrated understanding, Apollo and Artemis as twins of the Hyperborean energies, solar and lunar. Their priests and prophets teach immortality of the soul, the inclusion and absolute reverence for the Goddess, and for authentic and true woman as teachers and equal disciples. All of this is found within such teachings of Pythagoras who never excluded women, although this is the signature of all the Semitic cults and Masonic groups until recently. Such is the same with most pop degenerate occult groups that replaced the highest degrees with those that exclude women.
Such deviance would break out like a sore in the ancient world with extreme degenerate cults of priests of Cybele, the galli. Excluding the priestesses and removing actual women from the domain of the Goddess, they devoted themselves to their goddess by castrating themselves (apparently removing both the testicles and the penis), cross-dressing, and, in some cases, offering themselves to other men for sex. Apuleius “despised the Galli as manipulative mendicants exploiting their rites for gain” in lengthy rant against them in The Golden Ass, 8.26–8.29. So most initiated pagans, except for a few degenerate Roman elite, thought this an abomination, loss of strength and power and it was the Jews and Christians who saw such actions as making a person spiritual superior, and even part of a priest hood. As we have discussed, it is late and degenerate phases of such inverted and perversions of the Mysteries that is symptoms of impending collapse. So much of this is misunderstandings of castrations and decapitations in the mythos and lore, as these were symbolic of harvesting the phallus shaped mushroom.
Many will deny the Hermetic procreationism explicit in the Corpus Hermeticum, which clearly and linguistically follows the Tradition of ensouling human beings as a spiritual and biological imperative, the Way of Nature and the Gods. The bold text emphasizes the punishment for such hubris and selfishness and embracing of degeneracy, literally non-generative of life. This embodies so much of the accursed hylics and barely sentient hordes of such conduits for the Enemy.
In Book 2 of Corpus Hermeticum:
Hermes: The other name of Theos is Father, again because He is the that-which-maketh all. The part of father is to make.
Wherefore child-making is a very great and a most pious thing in life for them who think aright, and to leave life on earth without a child a very great misfortune and impiety; and he who hath no child is punished by the daimons after death.
And this the punishment: that that man’s soul who hath no child, shall be condemned unto a body with neither man’s nor woman’s nature, a thing accurst beneath the sun.
In refreshing candor, an academic article (The Castrated Gods and their Castration Cults: Revenge, Punishment, and Spiritual Supremacy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPERSONAL STUDIES > Vol. 38 (2019) > Iss. 1) on the mythology of castrated gods and the mythos of those ‘born a eunuch as sacred to the Goddess”, informs “Cybele that the goddess elevates him to be worshipped alongside her. Being “born a eunuch,” contemporary LGBT popularizers notwithstanding who want this archaic designation to mean gay men impotent around women or even lesbians (e.g., Brustman, 1999; Brentlinger, 2008–2016), almost certainly refers to boys born with genital deformities: undescended testicles (cryptorchidism), which occurs in about one-third of premature babies, and 3% of full-term births.
These cults, like the deviants who promote such things today, have no access to the Organic source of life and their biophobia incites a rabid need to destroy innocence and beauty. There are so many examples of the earliest myths being complete inversions of the original, such as the entire narrative of Orpheus or how it is mentioned in Plato’s Laws, the Cretans were accused of inventing/changing the myth Ganymede because they wanted to justify their unnatural pleasures. These are intentional cultic and poetic revisions, such as we see in the modern world where some classical work is appropriated and changed to reflect some agenda from race to gender or sexuality. Perhaps those gifted with pattern recognition can also think of a ‘religion’ that needs genital mutilation, by the mouth, as the physical representation of the covenant between God and Abraham.
There were many abominations, deviations and cults in the Classical World, and just because a source is old does not make it Traditional, Pure, Noble. These cults were part of the disease that destroyed the Classical World, a late phase of degeneracy such as we are witnessing in debauched elite and their parasite-based agenda. The argument for certain precedents for normalizing behaviors because there are historical examples is absurd, especially to the individual pursuing the True Way. These are all supreme distractions and tactics of parasite cults to hide, distort and conceal by any means possible the alchemical method of Immortality by creating false Mystery Traditions that trick the seeker into killing themselves, or their bloodline or mutilating the microcosmic perfection that is the human form. Such an actions would be an unthinkable action and abomination to the Priestesses of the Goddess and the Hierophants of the Mysteries. It marks an aberration in the spiritual path, a possession by a psycho-spiritual parasite that causes self-harm and also to create spiritual currents that replace the avatar of the Goddess on Earth, the True and Real Woman.
The Abrahamic cult of Jesus retained some of this strange obsession, and the theological gymnastics to explain this are an exercise in absurdity. The word used not does not meaning celibates (parthenoi), and as this was a religious debate on divorce and marriage, the word used is eunuch and had to mean eunuch,
But he said to them, “Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”
—Matthew 19:11–12
Jewish laws regarding castration changed over time as Deuteronomy 23:1, “No man who
has been castrated or whose penis has been cut off may be included among the Lord’s people”
Leviticus 21:20. But later to Isaiah the Lord “will give them [eunuchs who observe the Sabbath] an everlasting name better than sons or daughters. I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off” (56:5).
Here we see the seeds that people that do such things are actually better than ‘normal’ people as this alien god loves such mutilations. It is also glorified in the “The Wisdom of Solomon, part of the Jewish Septuagint and canonical Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox bibles, also looked favorably on pious eunuchs: “And blessed is the eunuch, which with his hands has wrought no iniquity, nor imagined wicked things against God: for to him shall be given the special gift of faith, and an inheritance in the temple of the Lord more acceptable to his mind” (3:14).
Likewise, “Tertullian, an influential second-century church authority, stated that Paul had been castrated and referred to both Jesus and Paul as spadones, a word usually translated as eunuchs (far less often meaning celibate or impotent, unfruitful men; De Monogamia, 5.6, 3.1).” Consider Jesus’ quote above, “for the kingdom of heaven—because it suggests that self-emasculation may create a type of religious superiority, if not a priesthood per se.”
To castrate and to intervene in the reproduction of anyone is to end their bloodline and genetics. It was done to captives, slaves, it is the essence of every genocide. It was done in various royal courts to advisers so they could in the intimate circle of the queen and daughters but unable to copulate, or to be able to go into the harem, as guards and yet to not be a threat of adultery, stolen virginity etc. and other sexual improprieties in the manner that animals are neutered and fixed, such as gelding horse or the bull that is castrated to the steer. It is an act of domestication, of disempowering to either sex as an interruption into their biological process.
It is likely the symbolic castration done to Jews of circumcision. The Biblical god’s attacks which are, perhaps, the first religious or holy acts of genocide as specifically religious/racial and systematic: Deuteronomy 20:16-18 God orders the Israelites to “not leave alive anything that breathes… completely destroy them …” Would it not be cleaner to teach an ‘enemy’ to destroy itself? To glorify and promote every thing that weakens, sickens, makes one dependent on the state and industry (the collusion of which is true fascism)? That destroys the fabrics of community by destroying families and inverting Nature? There is no reconciliation with this worldview, there is no compromise, there is no assimilation and tolerance, it is incompatible with Life itself. It is also similar to how the music and media of every race and culture is infected with this an other aspects of a Death cult to rot the human race to the point that it commits suicide or deserves extinction in the descent to subhumans.
Pythagoras, as a priestly avatar of Apollo and thus a Hyperborean Adept exemplifies the true conduct of a Sage and Philosopher. His wife and daughters are his best disciples and students, he was opposed to extremes of violence, animal sacrifice, certainly self-mutilation or actions against Nature, opposed to tyranny and realized the dangers of democracy when the critical mass of the population are uninitiated deviants. His inner circle was composed of both men and woman, in a balanced esoterica of the pure worship of the Gods. His conduct is that of those who maintain ritual purifications and observances, and are thus in a state of sanctity to meet the Gods, to engage in the theurgic and intimate rites of the Mysteries. As admirers of Greek culture, we certainly have no prejudice against homosexuality and reasonable relationships of sexual partners, into the sacred rites of orgies. But as discussed in many contexts, no matter what the extramarital affairs or sexual actions, there was a clear delineation of the duty of procreation and family, and the modern definitions of these degenerate lifestyles would be never be tolerated, nor would most of the rationalizations ‘progressive’ neo-pagans and such embrace (nationalism, worldview, etc.). This exploits Abrahamic guilt that defines the reactionary opposite that, again, merely reenforces the dominant narrative and construct of the anti-Tradition.
These cults were introduced to Imperial Rome by edict and are the foundation of the priestly celibacy (originally castration), as in removing the sexual function of generation, which is the very foundation of the True MOTHER goddess. These inverted rites betray so much of the corrupted aspects of Rome that they would embrace extreme cults as means of control, such as teaching slaves different languages, and to disempower rivals by sending them into the priesthood so they can not conceive heirs as rivals, either through removal of the means of sexual reproduction or celibacy/exile into monastery, such that other vices and preying on the young (such as at all boys schools) grooms for further descent into a society and elite that is dysfunctional, unhinged, and possessed from ritualized indoctrination and parasitic sorcery.
Another esoteric combat involves such a strange dynamic of alchemy and this parasitic eunuch cult. The alchemical brotherhoods of early China were Indo-Europeans red-haired, wearing pointed hats and with magical herbs and a complete science of alchemy and cosmology of Immorality. These secret groups spread culture and the true religion of alchemy into what became known as Daoism, merging with Vedic Buddhist Tantric sciences that are from the same Aryan source. Gradually, these became mixed and mingled, corrupted, influenced and aspects of these became used to rule against the people. Certain groups began alchemical rebellions, especially the Yellow Turban or Yellow Scarves of Daoist secret societies against the chief source of the corruption: court eunuchs.
History is filled with such scheming castrati, such as the Persian Bagoas or the adviser of Ptolemy, Pothinus. It is an interesting dynamic to see the lack of generative power, the inability to have heirs, that contributes to an almost possession and malignancy that pervades the worldview. It is why children are always such a target of the cult, as most of the ‘leaders’ do not have their own children, and thus must recruit. In the Mysteries these deviant Traditions of castrated male priestess sought to usurp the position of the priestess, invading the sacred space of the divine feminine in the parody the Mysteries. These cults always were near extinction until elite like the Romans gave them esteem and patronage as an excuse to indulge in the darkest rites. The pagan Tradition always understood that magic was the domain of the Woman, and thus it was considered feminine or unmanly engage in erotic magic, as such accusations are flung in the Viking lore. There is a separation of what should be attained through strength and exoteric means and feminine, esoteric means.
The true Adept reconciles these Energies within as a balance, an ebb and flow of necessary aspects as the alchemical seasons of life demand. There are tales of the fiercest warrior that must temporarily experience this inversion, such as Thor in the sagas, or various warriors in the Vedic cultures. Arjuna, a son of Indra, spends a year disguised as a eunuch as part of a curse, teaching the feminine arts of dancing, singing, dressing, and the like, to women in the Mahabharata. But contrary to the other deviant cults to that seek to emasculate men and replace the Goddess, the Indo-European lore is of dressing like a woman, to gain access to the sequestered woman, and thus is an esoteric means of seduction, such as sneaking into a all woman’s temple and seducing the priestess as a means for magical power. In the Vedic lore, castration is a curse, and there was not even really a word for eunuch in Sanskrit. Indra’s castration was his loss of dominance and power, and he is covered in vulvas and paraded in shame for his crimes of adultery. Shiva’s lingham cult is over generative power and procreation, even if it originates in the ascetic symbolic and literal detachment of sexuality that is needed by the yogis. “Shiva demonstrates his non-attachment to his sexuality and allows his penis to fall to the ground, where it reaches down into the underworld and begins to fill the sky. Fearing that its expansion will destroy the universe the gods plead with Shiva to take his penis back. He has no use for it anymore, he says, since his beloved is dead. Only when the gods remind him that Sati will be reborn as Parvati, whom he will marry, does he restore his penis—and then only on the condition that it will be worshipped on earth.”
The Remembrance of the sexual alchemy with Parvati, is the regaining of sexual power. These myths are not literal interpretations, but of the need to restrain sexual energy. The actual meaning is to lose the erection, not the penis itself, and it is brought back to life again by arousal and herbs and excitement. The castration is meant to conceal of the mystery of the penis that dies and emits seeds, and then becomes erect again, reborn in sexual ability and power to create again. That certain groups and the Cult use these to justify genital removal of children is truly an abomination. the evidence for a castrated
A succinct account of the Norse Indo-European traditions is from Wade’s article, examples of such fates or actions of castration to “Odin probably refers to a temporary disguise or his other shape-changing abilities…” and a trickster to gain access to a female to seduce. The ‘rape’ of the Gods is not the mundane rape of humans, but of the virgin goddess who must be seduced and the violence of the breaking of the portal to the life, the hymen is bloody and of a certain type of force in the initial penetration. “Castration does not appear in any of the textual records related to Norse cults; indeed, it only appears in post-Christian records as a punishment visited on enemies.”
The Herm was always associated with the erect phallus, the exalted, aroused, generative function of the deity as a procreative force, exoteric and esoteric, in wealth, in children, in merchandise, in husbandry and crops, in magical power. The earliest form of Hermes was bearded with erect penis, a virile, male god that was reduced to a more youthful form after generations of urbanization to his rural, Indo-European and Hyperborean heritage. It was only the truly degenerate that violated the original Greek laws and spirit of the law, into true pedophilia (pre-pubescent abuse) and other forms that Plato mentions as the Cretans changed the myths themselves, replacing the cup bearer maiden with a young male. Nearly every myth of such inversions, from Orpheus to Zeus have been demonstrated to be changed over time to validate degenerate cultic influences and the increasingly urban decadence. The Greeks, as all others, are imperfect stewards of Tradition as a whole, but there are the core values within the Master such as Pythagoras and others.
Part of the occult wars has always been rewriting history, attacking monuments or temples, desecrating the deities statues and destroying sacred groves. For instance, on the night of June 7, 415 BCE, the faces of many herms were smashed and their phalluses were hacked off. The herms were statues of the Greek god Hermes that were often placed at crossroads, boundaries, and at the entrance of houses. One can read all the motives for this action, but it is a constant tactic to destroy, desacralize, commit sacrilege and pillage. Below the desecrated phallus of Hyperborean Delos. Healthy, truly human sexuality has been weaponized for generations, from extreme cults as mentioned here, to the taboos and guilt for natural biological pleasures and sensuality, to ‘liberation’ and the absolute perversions and mainstreaming of latency and deviancy as normal or special, or superior to ‘normal.’ Pornography, not erotica, is dehumanizing, desensitizing, inorganic, contrived, forced, coerced, orchestrated, and thus a potent weapon to degrade society, profaning sexual acts removed from procreation, love, alchemical Mysteries of the Way. See A Brief Introduction to the True Philosophical Child.
The profane drift of history to remove the True Woman from the core of the Mysteries, of the overthrow of the Goddess is a main symptom in the autopsy of the Western Tradition. From the Catholic priest, whose celibacy inverted Europe’s ability to have its most intelligent genetic stock reproduce (in contrast to Rabbi and Shaykhs with multiple wives) becoming a breeding ground for perversions, even producing the castrati (in 1599, Pope Clement VIII began allowing to castrate young boys to sing in the Church. This went on for the next 280 years or so until Pope Leo in 1878). The waves of feminism to redress these historical injustices began with the wrong premise of trying to gain female power by being ‘like’ men instead of regaining their true and ultimate spiritual authority. Now so many of the same ‘feminists’ surrender women’s spaces and rights to the possessed and mentally ill minions the cult has produced and unleashed upon the world. It is an abomination to reduce women to the costumes of dresses, drag and cosmetics or vague ‘feelings’ to trivialize the biological and spiritual reality of a true woman. Some of these mind viruses can be traced back to specific individuals in the modern world, such as Magnus Hirschfeld, Stanley Biber, Ludwig Levy-Lenz and perhaps some with pattern recognition may notice something there.
The alchemy is of the uniting of the King and the Queen, not into the profaned removal of genitalia, but in the wedding or welding, like the electrum or alloy of purified metals. This produces an offspring, the Philosophical Child, and thus it is generative. This was the union of the Hierophant as Hermes and the Priestess as Aphrodite. Their sexual union, done with purifications and perfumed with the theurgic incenses and rites, was of their being one through ritual intercourse Hermes/Aphrodite or hermaphroditic conjunction of the King and Queen, solar and lunar energies. This is profaned into goat-headed gods and a celebration of the inversion of this sacred alchemical science.
The internal adept’s Work is to unite these energy within and without, in all three kindgoms of plant, mineral and metal into the flesh and spiritual fire.

Hermes unites with Athena as well, marking different stages of the Hermetic work.
The Rebis, the internal hermaphrodite is of matter and spirit, of male and female, gold and silver reconciled within as an esoteric practice. The inversion of this is the castrations of ancient and modern cults and the use of synthetic and artificial drugs, realities and ‘intelligences’ an insidious and corrupt parody of alchemy, shamanism and the Mysteries.
We are not completely against the practice of castration and would make it a legal penalty at minimum for proven sex offenders, although decapitation is better. First the one then the other is best as an example to others.
Aeschines informs us:
In the speech “Against Timarchus”, the famous orator mentions in detail all the measures that the ancient “legislator” had taken to protect the virtue of the young Athenian men.
Laws for young boys
First, he mentions the rule that schools must not open before sunrise or remain open after sunset since darkness is an ally of those who are interested in young boys (According to Timarchus 9-10). There are also restrictions on visiting the gymnasiums where the young Athenians exercised naked.
In the event that a boy’s parent sold him for money, any Athenian citizen could publicly denounce him. The punishment for such an offense was the release of the child from the obligation to care for his parent in old age, who had sold him in for money (according to Timarchus 13).
The law, however, was much harsher than those who promoted it. They were punished by death if they betrayed the sexuality of children of free citizens (According to Timarchus 14, 184).
Citing legal provisions attributed to Solon, the famous ancient legislator, Aeschines blatantly refutes the myth of homosexuality in ancient Athens.
The penalties provided by Athenian legislation for those who engage in homosexual relations are as follows:
He is not allowed to become a member of the 9 lords.
He is not allowed to be elected a priest.
He is not allowed to be an ombudsman.
He is not allowed to exercise power inside or outside Athens.
He is not allowed to be sent out as a war preacher.
He is not allowed to express an opinion.
He is not allowed to enter (public) Temples.
He is not permitted to be awarded at coronations.
He is not permitted to enter the sanctuary of the market.
It is therefore obvious the later myths are the inventions of degenerate cultic poets who, like those of today, need to rationalize and justify their perversions, and who worship the counter-traditional pop occult deviants of thelema, of church of satan, of false hermetic cults like the Golden Dawn, of the Freemasons and Baphomet, Temple of Set and even worse groups that these are mere gateways and lures for dregs of the accursed that haunt this world. Baphomet was originally a mature goddess, and this Masonic egregore draws upon other goat like gods of Europe for form but changes into an abomination, the perfect glyph for the emasculated cult, the external transgender demon, their sigil and aberrant spawn of the enemies of Life. The Baphomet figure was created by defrocked pedophile priest and French occultist Éliphas Lévi in his 1856 book Dogme et rituel de la haute magie (The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic), and his chosen magical name relates his allegiance to the Kabbalistic worldview and doctrines of disempowering suicidal indoctrination they push upon the masses for full spectrum dominance. Those attracted to this ‘entity’ and symbolism are the antithesis of the Hermetic path, the enemies of Life and the Gods, the conduits for the anti- and counter-Tradition.
Templo Mercurii
We plant the seeds of an Authentic Hermetic Temple on this holy feast of day Mercury. It will be an esoteric repository of certain knowledge, traditions and practices. Please consider joining and supporting our work. As we are engaged in constructing a woodland temple and new laboratory, we thank you for patience as we refine the presentations and projects evolve. Please make sure you have given us your contact details if you want to engage further and participate at the foundation level of this esoteric action.
Hyperborean Shrine and Laboratory Notes
Coming Soon, The Esoteric Companion Volume to the exoteric model of autonomous, secure, sustainability of Strategic Permaculture. This is our template for our own Temple, Library, and Laboratory to the Gods, and our intimate pursuit of the Great Work. Philosophy and principles to a Classical Hyperborean and Hermetic sacred space.
The North Pole Star
“The North Pole Star” (1882), oil by the Spanish romantic painter and illustrator Luis Ricardo Falero (1851-1896).
House of Life
“HOPE” 1885 1886 by George Frederick Watts
“The picture is one of a series of allegorical subjects which Watts intended for a decorative scheme known as the ‘House of Life’. Traditionally the figure of Hope is identified by an anchor, but Watts was seeking a fresher, more original approach. He painted blind Hope seated on a globe and playing on a lyre which has all its strings broken except one. She bends her head to listen to the faint music, but her efforts appear forlorn; the overall atmosphere is one of sadness and desolation rather than hope. The picture’s sense of melancholy is enhanced by the soft brushwork and the translucent mists that envelop the floating globe.”
Ancient Lineage Mahasiddha Navapashanam
The Siddha traditions offer the most complex, vast, and still unexplored mysteries of alchemy. Our guild partners of present today a sacred lineage bead of Mahasiddha alchemical herbo-metallic navapashanam. This is a navapashanam bead made in special conditions for the Kali Yuga and the spiritual battle of this realm. Therefore it is infused with sacred precious stones and metals of the dakini protectors of the Siddha Dharma and empowered for magical strength and victory. This is a rare bead presented in limited quantity that will be the final bead of the lineage as the Guru is going into extended retreat until he crosses through the outer darkness. This is a major action in the alchemical missionary work and all proceeds are reinvested into procuring sacred herbs, medicines, and elixirs. Visit the special offering listing from by clicking on image:

Winged Mercury
With winged feet, ’tis thine thro’ air to course, O friend of man, and prophet of discourse:
Great life-supporter, to rejoice is thine, in arts gymnastic, and in fraud divine:
With pow’r endu’d all language to explain, of care the loos’ner, and the source of gain.
Whose hand contains of blameless peace the rod, Corucian, blessed, profitable God;
Of various speech, whose aid in works we find, and in necessities to mortals kind:
Dire weapon of the tongue, which men revere, be present, Hermes, and thy suppliant hear;
Assist my works, conclude my life with peace, give graceful speech, and me Memory’s increase.
The Hermetic Paideia
Within the Research Society we construct a Hermetic Paideia, Temple of Mercury and Filiation Trismegisti. This is for students and disciples to gather to research the Pure Hermetica, purged of New Age, kabbalistic, masonic, pop-occult, and other such spiritual viruses and contagions. This itself is the Great Work of this World Age, the purification of the Way of Hermes from the inversions and corruptions. It is the method of the soul’s ascent to the Company of the Blessed, the Way of Immortality, the most concise and articulate skillful method for egress from the endless cycles of misery. It is the initiatory method of Memory, the pith instructions to the Goal of the Wise that is scattered in the authentic Corpus Hermeticum. Join for access to handbound copies of rare, esoteric texts.
A New Phase of the Hyperborean Research Society
We have been engaged in our own heuristic pursuits of the Great Work, the Heraclean tasks that we have outlined in the Membership and Initiation publication. We have had an increase of correspondence and interest that falls into the following categories: The first are so vulgar and mundane as to not deserve even a reply. The second are those that are interested and pursue their work at their own independent pace, contacting every once in awhile. The third are those who are exalted in energy and ready to pursue projects. It is to the latter we address these remarks.
We are faced with an onslaught of occult and psychic warfare, of demoralization, and the traps are ensnaring so many. Our goal is to guide those with the Memory of the Organic Light back to the Mysteries, the skillful means through the Spheres of the Gods to Immortality. It is our goal to be a force and signal of Remembrance of the divine origins of the True Human Beings. We have regrouped and recovered from some dire assaults, set-backs and humbling acts of nature in the wilderness and will be set to continue with a new level of energy, commitment and aspiration that make all previous efforts seem ‘child’s play.’
Our alchemical missionary work takes many forms, such as guilds to heal the body and soul to more advanced projects to articulate and create true Adepts. These adepts are to create rural esoteric compounds of the Mysteries and guide those elite of spirit enough to begin and accomplish the Magnum Opus. To further this agenda, we continue to recruit artists, researchers, writers, video editors, musicians, illustrators, etc. to create works of great Beauty to counter the lures and snares of the Enemy. We invite those of exalted Mind and resources to invest your energy into creating the most beautiful expressions of the True Philosophy as the Soul’s Rebirth into the Celestial Realms.
We hope to create complete works of art, ritualistic Gesamtkunstwerk of presentations of the Hyperborean gnosis. From reviving techniques of alchemical pottery and glass blowing to creating classical handbound books to multimedia presentations, as well building functional intiatory compounds and Temples to the Gods. As we build the underground chambers, the mountain shrines and forest sacred groves, the incubatory temples, alchemical laboratories we will document this as templates for others.
While others give their time and money, their art and attention to the most frivolous things, we admonish those who waste this precious incarnation to join us in this Invisible College recruitment and alchemical mission. Members, we also advise the most serious to contact via direct mail for private publications as well as trades, contributions, private correspondences, gifts, art, etc. Submissions to a private internal publication gains access to such a publication.
Occult Wars: Hyperborean Razor
Note: Again, we have no affiliation with others that use or (more often) misuse the Hyperborean terms in their distorted and mundane worldviews. We are often contacted by others thinking we have affiliation with some degenerate groups that cry and play the victim with the same rotten nature as those they claim to hate just because they have appropriated this term with no grasp of its essence and true history and the implications it has on one’s thought, word, and action. Such contacts are so tiresome and boring, and we have an alchemical mission and specific research topics that these hylics, these icchantika and Mleccha will never fathom. The same scorn is felt for those concerned with externals and who will be distracted up until the point that it is too late. We only care of a truly spiritual superiority, and the true human being, there is only the real and the fake. The traitors and accomplices are such that any consideration is meaningless in the final conflict.
It is ironic that most obsessed with such topics have no children and no intentions to as well and secretly partake of the Enemy’s most degenerate distractions while claiming to be Hyperborean or Asatru or whatever. They are the same spirit as the ghetto thugs, the keyboard and social justice warriors who indulge in masturbatory wastes of the true exoteric and esoteric goals we define. Do not bother to contact us if you have not read our worldview. We are absolutely indifferent to any further members but seek allies of a certain type and spirit, and their correspondences are met with a polite and generous spirit. The rest can find their way to the Tarpeian Rock.
We face a destruction so entire and complete that even the most essential aspects of humanity are a luxury. It is beyond the ability of most to apprehend, so they cling to a comfortable outrage and misery as the clenching grasp to escape the dreadful true reckoning of the crisis of the situation. It is time for a true sense of urgency, of priorities, of triage in addressing the wounds that render one vulnerable and under the sorcery that distracts and dissipates all energy.
Those who talk too much about race no longer have it in them.” — Oswald Spengler
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director
Hanlon’s razor is a saying that reads: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
It is good to give individuals who let one down the benefit of the doubt as an act of compassion and empathy in their faults, flaws, and inconsistent attributes that never allow for complete trust or intimacy, etc. But this does not hold true in the ‘clown world’ model that many have used to describe our current descent into madness. But it is an occult war tactic of extreme malice and malevolence and there is nothing ‘stupid’ about such actions. For instance, many still trapped within the paradigm of thinking there are political parties, or that a certain political figure is just incompetent, has bad policies, or is merely stupid, believes on some level that these figures are acting in good faith or good intentions but they are just ignorant or a failure. Such a worldview is not only immature and shallow, it is dangerous and a snare of one’s energy and attention.
A vulgar, crass reality-television star, or senile, incoherent bumbling fool are all part of a state sorcery that strains credulity, that forces one to accept absurdities and insults to reason and intelligence. Both oversaw the ‘lockdown’ and mass injection experiment and economic warfare, and are sure to pay homage to the cult in Davos. Every scandal, every conflict is the theatre of surrealism to redefine what is normal, what is to be expected. It is to impose on the conscious mind a supreme magical technique: that of an impending inevitability as a tactic to conjure a future outcome by dominating the will of the victim into thinking something is a foregone conclusion or unavoidable.
By such techniques they ‘force consent’ in the doubletalk needed to express the intentional paradoxes of language and thought that is seeded into every aspect of existence. Thus there are several worlds one has to decompartmentalize, to bipolarize within to function.
There is reality and a virtual world that monitors and tracks, that knows every website, medicine, finance, communication, purchase, perhaps sexual proclivities, interests, entertainment habits, etc. But the cognizant must self-censor from this, must twist and dogwhistle or else risk depersoning. Then there is another ‘mainstream media’ reality merged with the political and corporate reality which is in lockstep coordination and cohesion of the Agenda. All are driving the Agenda-like tendrils or tentacles of one central beast. To try and acclimate to the mutating debasement of normalcy is to internalize a type of schizophrenia, where every contact point with this beast system is a weaponed intrusion into even being to contextualize a consensus of reality to pretend to agree or believe in.
We can waste time and distraction trying to name the diagnosis, but everyone knows the central Cult that cannot be named, the hydra parasite infection. It can be called so many names, it is a waste of time like in describing the symptoms of the ‘mysterious syndrome’ that wastes the vitality of so many we encounter as herbalists. What matters is core healing, not incessant diagnosis of symptoms, but how to survive, thrive, how to endure, what greater purpose one does with their remaining health and life. Thus most solutions are superficial or of a perpetual distraction to penetrate to true priorities in the limited time we have. What will it take to break the spell that distracts so many? Nothing, they are the incarnated mechanism of this metastasizing assimilation into the deepest confines of the Trap.
“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.
It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Yet so many contact us with examples of the carnival of the “media,” which is like subjecting oneself to interpreting reality through a collaboration of the intimates and controllers of an asylum. It is like allowing one to be in the most vulnerable, suggestive state and turning the subconscious over to pure cultic psychopaths who explicitly advocate and openly plot and tell you what they intend to do. It is not a conspiracy, and ‘none dare call it treason…” We are beyond the event horizon and threshold point of such conjecture, of such debate, in trying to prove it or awaken those who slumber or fret about while the attack unfolds with relentless precision. It is either ignorance, hubris, or supreme cowardice that makes them revert to a baseline programming of blame and victim narratives that stunt any true strategies to become empowered and positioned to be best insulated from the worst attacks. The true target is, as always, the children, the next generations who will be forced to grow up in a reality so different it is as if the old timeline ended and the world ended. The assaults are like the scorched earth scrubbing of the human spirit of all past context to accept a synthetic, artificial mutated existence instead of the organic, spiritual transmutation which is the true Great Work and Human imperative.
Other assaults have many purposes, such as the culture wars of gender. There are legitimate issues of psycho-spiritual health of this topic beyond this essay, many shamanic in nature and historical in context. But the forcing of it on mainstream levels, is a softening for such language as transhuman. Just as the language of a chip in the credit card is to acclimate to having a chip within the body for tracking and to be part of the block chain. But a core aspect is to force one to publicly acknowledge and believe patent falsehoods, to tolerate insanity and subversion of reality of biology. It is calculated to boil to such levels of pure ridiculous and outright insanity that the future seems so bleak and horrible that one feels there is no choice but to give in, like the predatory tactics of a sex predator grooming a victim whose mind is not fully formed to defend and be discerning in such matters. It is ritual trauma and demoralization, the feeling of the perfect storm that is used to reify the outcome of priming the conditions for it to occur.
Bezmenov ideological subversion:
“What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”
It is part of the ‘desensitization phase’ and bleeds (literally) into the crisis phase of this complete assault on a nation’s values, worldview, traditions, culture, society, ethics, morals, economics etc.
Or the famous quote of Alexander Solzhenitsyn:
“we know they are lying. they know they are lying. they know that we know they are lying. we know that they know that we know they are lying. and still they continue to lie.”
It is a naivety encountered in so many, that things will return to ‘normal’ and that this is not the final phase of an ancient war and process. Such a New Age optimism, fed by Hollywood dreams of fantasy, surrender of power and concern to comfort and apathy, or a numbness that is a coping mechanism. Many are so invested in this construct that they have to cheer and ‘double down’ on their worldview, in the paradoxes of surrendering trust to known liars and betrayal of every shred of trust and good will. It is like believing someone is good natured or simply mistaken when they make errors in finances but the discrepancy always seems to be the most favorable to them in the final outcome.
Some pop-occultist degenerate used the original old spelling of ‘magic’ from magick to differentiate the kabbalistic goetic attempts to be possessed of rabbinical demons as high magic as compared to ‘parlor tricks’ of sleight of hand. But this is the nature of the propaganda, ritual programming and social engineering in the focusing of attention and simple grifting techniques and psychic driving of common cults and charlatans applied to the masses. It is their spiritual technique to lure one into the dark abstractions of their demons and cultic entities, to obscure the true ancestral heritage. But if one cannot get past the crime and to the Great Work, then the Enemy has won, it has assimilated you into its failure, its rotting, its worldview.
In this Kali Yuga degenerate world age, we see many claiming to be wolves but they are just sheep. And those that seem to be weak, frail, and diseased parodies of humanity declaring their virtue and progressive actions are the true ‘wolves’ of the war of the Gods. Might is not right as the world is in the grip of physically decrepit, atrophied old cult members who yield power through secret societies, think tanks, round tables, foundations, institutes, intelligence agencies, and corporations through infiltration. They inflict a chaos that drains and destroys their enemy from economic attrition, social upheaval, to bioweapons; the work to achieve a unipolar world.
“The universal acceptance of the principles of democracy, decentralization, market economy, globalisation, denuclearization, demilitarization and development gave rise to ideological unipolarism in the world. It gave strength to the emergence of unipolarity in the international power structure.” It is a dystopian future that seeks to manage the consciousness of the human spirit by diverting all potential to a harvest of the very vital force of life itself. The trajectory of history is the priming and grooming of the human mind to surrender all true individuality, true freedom, true autonomy for the comforts and false luxuries, the superficial distractions that are just deeper estrangement from True Purpose.
“Unipolarity is a condition in which one state under the condition of international anarchy enjoys a preponderance of power and faces no competitor states.” This is the unleashed nihlism and controlled collapse of the West, the assisted suicide of the potential of generation after generation.
The beneficent guise or the ‘common good’ lie that exploits and manufactures crisis and chaos is the apex strategy in accelerating a new order or unipolar worldview, a virtually omniscient technocratic cult that aggregates power by an ‘elite’ that becomes a breakaway civilization and culture in terms of technology, power, resources. This is just the exoteric form of the deeper esoteric goal of the complete entrapment of the incarnated soul in the virtual reality/transhumanist future of faux-immortality. One will have to pick a side, make a decision and each one, each soul will bend the knee or understand there are fates worse than death. They will have the ultimatum of the culmination of the entire human experience within the microcosm of their personal choice.
The Cult always must hide its true Agenda in different ways, such as a notion of original sin of which it can offer the only salvation. The original sin in these times is to be born into a different type of guilt, one of immutable characteristics, of the charge of privilege because your ancestors fought, worked and sacrificed to endure sufferings for the sake of future generations. We in no way validate or tolerate these infections of true humanity, of empathy and true Dharma. The Human Essence, of True and Real Human Beings in the alchemical worldview has been achieved by all nations and peoples and the true sages are honored as those who warned us of this moment in time, the culmination of the ancient War of the Gods.
The Enemy’s only weakness is an absolute blinding hubris of transgressing the very laws of Nature, but their loss no way entails a victory as the devastation wrought is final and complete. There are no winners in such destruction. It is the type of malignant and mindless predation such as of a parasite that gorges and destroys both itself and its host. As the lore confirms, a remnant, a fragment, a core will remain and rebuild from the scorched ashes of the final combat. It is our goal to presence this perfection and process within as our personal Great Work and to aggregate the research that it might persist through the trials and fires that seeks to obliterate the Way. One must train to hold the true realization through the calamity, through the visions, through sleep, torment, through sickness and death and the abyss itself.
The Hyperborean Razor:
When dealing with an Enemy, never attribute to stupidity what is really malice. It is not beneficent but misguided policies that are ‘stupid’ or simply a failure, the failure is the objective. It is a liquidation, a harvesting, an intentional destruction of every defining point of the previous normal or culture. Incompetence or beneficence are the greatest ‘covers’ for truly dark agendas, and they combine to create a sense of outrage that creates a sense of ‘world gone mad’ tension can birth a true despair and hopelessness for generations of demoralization.